Virtual reality (VR) technology enables evaluation and practice of specific skills in a motivating, user-friendly and safe way. The Meal-Maker is a game-like virtual kitchen environment developed within the GestureTek video-capture IREX VR system. It was created as a platform for evaluation and treatment of specific aspects of functional performance for children with neurological dysfunction including cerebral palsy (CP). Children experienced four different virtual environments using the IREX VR system: two virtual games, a virtual supermarket (VMall) and the Meal-Maker. Both groups responded similarly to items on the Short Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ-Child) but differed significantly in performance outcomes in all environments. Functional mobility was scored via the Gross Motor Functional Classification System (GMFCS) and ranged from 1 to 4, indicating a range in mobility from independent walkers with or without assistive devices to children who are transported or use power mobility in the community. Play within virtual reality may offer an opportunity to develop the motor, cognitive and social skills.