This chapter examines the relationship between manager's learning and leadership styles on the one hand, and organizational outcomes on the other. The role of leadership has long been recognized within the management literature as playing crucial role in corporate performance. The concept of leadership has become increasingly familiar in discourses on management development over the last 20 years. Shackleton described leadership as the process by which an individual influences members of the group towards the attainment of group or organizational goals. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed to examine the effects of number of employees, demographics of respondents, learning styles and leadership styles on organizational effectiveness. In the more effective firms, most interviewees are relatively well educated; several have technical experience from previous work and some have learnt by observing their colleagues. Thus, the interviewees in the more effective firms practise transformational leadership. The results of Pearson's correlation suggest that there is a strong negative correlation between transformational leadership and activist.