Periodisation (also referred to as phase potentiation) is regarded as a superior method for developing an athlete’s performance. However, because peak performance can only be maintained for two to three weeks, the ability to phase training appropriately to ensure that the athlete’s peak level of performance coincides with a competition date long into the future (e.g., the Olympics, or key matches in team sports) is a fundamental skill to all strength and conditioning (S&C) coaches. Such levels of performance may only be attained following the appropriate application of periodisation, whereby a calculated manipulation of training parameters (e.g., frequency, intensity, duration, volume, exercise selection) ensures optimal adaptations and minimal fatigue at the point of competition. The aim of this chapter is to provide the S&C coach with a detailed overview of periodisation so as they may be cognizant of its theory and methodology. It is hoped that this will further facilitate its implementation and successful application.