Powerlifting requires athletes to lift the maximum possible weight across the squat, bench press and deadlift. Lifters are grouped by body weight and weighed-in two hours prior to competition. Three attempts are permitted within each discipline. Attempts are typically separated by 10–15 minutes and each discipline by 30–75 minutes. Powerlifters seek to minimise range of motion and joint moment arms to reduce the mechanical work required to complete each lift. Circa-maximal lifts will take 2–5 seconds to complete, highlighting the production of maximal force as a key performance determinant. High rates of initial force development may also increase the likelihood of successful navigation through the ‘sticking point’. Lifters may be expected to sustain 1–5 injuries per 1000 hours of training, the shoulder and lower back the most frequently injured sites. Training programmes will seek to develop technique, skill, strength and ‘power’ to varying degrees dependent on the athlete’s needs. Specialised techniques are often utilised to overload certain points within lifts, emphasise certain musculature or to provide kinetic/kinematic variation. Macrocycles are typically periodised in a linear fashion with undulation employed within microcycles. Tapering leading into competition is likely to improve performance.