In this chapter, we explore the impact of the arrival of modern interactive marketing on customer information and marketing research.

This chapter explores how the ways in which companies gather and use information about customers has changed radically, sometimes because of their adoption of radically different business models.

It considers the impact of developments in customer relationship management on how marketing strategies are developed and implemented, including its impact on different elements of the marketing mix.

It investigates how digital approaches have stimulated further significant developments, in particular the rise of platforms which allow companies to manage their information and their interactions with clients very differently from in the past.

It explores the rise and development of the customer insight function to manage these developments.

It also considers the impact of these developments on the development of business intelligence.

The impact on marketing research is investigated, in particular its new roles as custodian of in-depth qualitative information on customers on the one hand, to being experts in the interpretation of social media data on the other hand.