This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book provides an interrogation of how logical positivism / logical empiricism continues to influence the intersection of higher education policy, assumptions about science', and the conduct of research. Qualitative Inquiry Through a Critical Lens is loosely organized into three sections: 'Theoretical Imperatives'; 'Methodological Interventions'; and 'Performing Inquiry'. It draws an attention to Indigenous methodology. In Australia, too, the Abbot government promised to shift $93.6 million from research in the humanities into scientific medical research. J. Bruce Harreld, president of the University of Iowa, remarks shed renewed light on the fact that the newly installed president had come to his job not from the typical ranks of academia but from industry with large-scale companies where he had previously served in numerous leadership positions at Kraft General Foods, Boston Market Company, and IBM.