This chapter publishes the results of a research that explores how walking becomes an essential part of the full palette of mobility strategies that hypermobile people call upon to better juggle between range and speed in a multimodal urban context. The research uses a snowball sampling method to identify a small number of hypermobile people coming from diverse backgrounds and adopting diverse lifestyles that imply different mobility patterns. It then proceeds to identify, through a series of pioneering interviews, the specific ways in which walking inserts itself both in their daily lives and within the global threads of their hypermobility patterns. The chapter illustrates the three profiles: The young dynamic executive or 'jeune cadre dynamique'; the DIY creative or 'cratif touche tout'; and the NGO representative. It examines deeper in the intricacies of walking as a full-fledged mode for each city visited abroad as one of the multiple territories alternatively practiced in a global network of destinations by hypermobile people.