This chapter frames the rationale for making mixed-income Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in the US a policy priority, summarizes the findings from few case studies, and identifies a series of strategies for practitioners seeking to ensure that transit-oriented development is available to all. As the market for TOD heats up and as government, development and business interests recognize its potential; there is an increasing danger that virtually all of the new development near transit could be unaffordable to lower income households. Transit-oriented development and mixed-income neighbourhoods have clear benefits of their own. Transit-oriented neighbourhoods make transit ridership possible and convenient; in doing so, they help improve air quality and reduce regional traffic congestion. Community Development Corporations (CDCs) can play a critical role, especially with small sites. CDCs have a community base and access to outside funding, and their organizing experience can help allay concerns about density, traffic and gentrification. Different tools are required for different re-development opportunities.