A managerial prerogative defines as rights which management asserts to be exclusively theirs and not subject to collective bargaining with trade unions, or to joint regulation with unions or employees. A participation prerogative defines as rights which workers assert they have to influence decisions, either though information, consultation, co-decision or veto. Democratic participation is more likely to achieve continuity if the workers and their representatives actually want it: that is one of conditions for institutionalisation of participation. The following evaluation criteria for social acceptance of democratic worker participation were formulated: general attitudes to participation; values attached to participation; participation militancy and propensity; participation confidence; perception of decision making prerogatives. In institutionalisation theory it is further assumed that sheer acceptance by the social structure concerned is not enough: the new idea has to be accepted and actively supported by a sufficient number of groups and organisations with power, and labour relations these may include the trade unions, employer organisations and government.