The NEW AFRICAN constitutes the first act, the first concrete demonstration of African cultures awakening. An awakening to a culture which increasingly affirms its autonomous existence, thus breaking the still silence which it has held. The people that have read the NEW AFRICAN expect much and gain most. Because of the literary goal which is neither dogmatic nor ideological therefore, the new reading public that the NEW AFRICAN gets across to, feel very strongly about the necessary undertakings that the journal has fulfilled. That the NEW AFRICAN satisfies the legitimate and primary aims of all age groups is no question and that the NEW AFRICAN will succeed in winning more friends has never been doubted. This has been achieved through conviction backed with reason, bravery and coherency of ideas and thoughts. The magazine aims at harmonizing the various diverse thinking of the minds whether in Europe or in North America who are now facing the thin line of indecision. If this message of brotherhood could be successfully telephoned with less force, then perhaps the original aim of “interaction” would have been successfully met. The NEW AFRICAN has accorded preference for African writers because these people have not found a literary premise in Europe or North America. And in order that the problems of Africa would be discussed at its core by people who live with the problem. As to our friends in other parts of the world, we have always kept open the corridors of communication while serving this calling. The NEW AFRICAN in collaboration between peoples artificially separated, provides the basis for common identity within the framework of universal understanding.