This chapter attempts to put both institutions within the same assessment paradigm using a functional approach. This approach allows a comparison of the G7/8 and G20 across three groups of indicators: the performance of global governance functions, accountability, and compliance; contribution to the global governance agenda; and engagement with other international institutions. The chapter thus contributes to a quantifiable evidence base for assessing the effectiveness of these two institutions and informing the forecast of their future roles. It looks at the balance and dynamics of the main global governance functions of deliberation, direction setting, decision making, delivery, and the development of global governance as expressed in G7/8 and G20 documents, including summit declarations, ministerial statements, progress reports, and material issued by officials and working groups. Contribution to the global governance agenda was assessed on the basis of comparative weights of the key issues in G8 and G20 documents, the dynamics of their agendas, and responsiveness to new challenges.