This chapter compares the performance of the Muskoka Group of Eight (G8) and Toronto Group of 20 (G20) summits, identifies the synergistic convergence that was often hidden from public view. It examines how and why Canada's twin 2010 summits worked on the whole well separately and together, and how the future G7/8-G20 partnership can be improved to the benefit of both. On the first dimension of domestic political management, both summits performed adequately. The chapter explores the causes of the successes and shortcomings of each alone and both together, by applying the closely related but distinct concert equality model of G7/8 governance and the systemic club model of G20 governance as analytical guides. It concludes with suggestions, on the basis of this analysis, for strengthening G7/8-G20 partnership, to the benefit of both summit-centred systems and the broader world, in the years ahead.