This chapter considers the experiences of a group of learners progressing from Further Education (FE) colleges to levels 2 and 3 of a Graphic Design course at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD), University of Dundee. It examines some of the theoretical discourse around 'Learning Agility' and discusses the concept, important to the transition of the individual. The chapter also discusses the relevance of FE as a 'steppingstone' to Higher Education (HE) and also examines the skills perceived by students to be valuable when preparing them for study at tertiary level. FE facilitated the development of other key skills, deemed to be aspects of agility: developing as people, learning about themselves and who they are, and developing a sense of self-awareness. The chapter describes the individual intent to 'change' and be 'different' through a transformation of the 'self' across space and time through the lens of reflexivity.