The Sámi are an Indigenous people who live in four countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. All of the Sámi languages are defined as endangered languages. This article on Sámi language revitalization is based on a report, published in 2016, on the best practices of language revitalization efforts in three Nordic countries. Three perspectives are used for analysis in the report: (1) the individual and their own language, (2) the generations of speakers, and (3) Sámi language in its own society. These perspectives show and explain why revitalization of Sámi languages is needed and why it is so significant for the Sámi. Language revitalization reflects the maintenance and the future of the whole Indigenous society and culture. Revitalization methods, practices, and structures have been developed on the basis of the needs of Sámi society. Some of the methods have been adopted from other places and culturally adapted to meet the needs of the Sámi community.