Educational inclusion has been one of the most important challenges of modern times. This chapter discusses various approaches to inclusion and argues in favour of broadstreaming in contrast to the approach of mainstreaming. Broadstreaming can be developed as the ‘natural process of learning’. One such model is ‘creative learning’. The model has been applied to find a new approach to identifying learning

difficulties. The chapter also suggests a framework for diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses of an individual child, and methods of planning for their remedial action. This is instrumental in the identification and monitoring of learning difficulties in the case of dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, attention deficient hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), autism and other learning difficulties that are related to the improper processing and management of the flow of information. In fact, the learning difficulties can now be seen as difficulties in terms of ‘core creative competencies’ such as concentration, memory, thinking, imagination, emotional management, power of observation and power of communication. Based on the diagnosis, the model is used for pointing out the exact deficiency or nature of the problem in information flow and management. Thus proper remedial action can be immediately planned on the basis of the natural process of learning or natural learning style.