Friedrich Froebel developed his own radical new educational method and philosophy which was based on structured, activity based learning, and established his Play and Activity Institute in Bad Blankenburg. Play was at the heart of Froebel's educational philosophy, as he saw that it made important contributions to development and learning in many domains–including the physical, social, emotional and intellectual. Froebel proposed that play gives rise to symbolic experiences which are important in the development of imagination and creativity: it provides a forum for the development of flexible and abstract thinking, in which they are able to work out their relationships with other children and with their adult caregivers. Froebel saw music as an important domain in which the development takes place, and wrote his Mutter-und Kose-Lieder–a songbook–to introduce the young child into the adult world. Improvisation is a vital part of musical activity in many parts of the world, but has been neglected in Western music education.