Social workers, regardless of whether they work with individuals, groups, or communities, are invariably affected by families. This chapter discusses families with LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and ally) parents and families in which a child comes out as LGBTQIA. It begins by introducing queer theory as a theoretical framework to discuss LGBTQIA families. The chapter discusses the experiences of families with LGBTQIA parents, including the pathways LGBTQIA people follow in becoming parents, and their experiences as parents in their communities. It highlights unique issues at various developmental stages in a family from early childhood to middle childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. One of the most important qualities many LGBTQIA parents bring to parenting is the fact that they made a deliberate choice to become parents, a choice that was fueled by a strong desire to raise children. Social workers can promote more attitudes of acceptance towards LGBTQIA people.