The telos of the Christian Faith and of which all subordinate purposes and ends are ultimately subsumed, is solely focused on the Christian God and His glory - that is the manifestation of His infinite beauty, worth and perfection: his God-ness. The Apostle Paul's Areopagus address in Acts 17 neatly distils not only a description of the Christian God in contradistinction to other gods, but the foundational importance of affirming this God for the coherence of the entire Christian worldview. Having been distressed by a city submerged in idolatry, he preaches the good news of Christ and the resurrection but is not understood. Jesus Himself speaks of the impossibility of serving two masters. Monogamy does not mean cultural monochromaticity, for triunity bespeaks of unity and diversity. To carry on the illustration, the gospel of Christ is never wedded to one cultural expression, which leads to extractionism.