Male offenders constitute the majority of the prison population both in Hong Kong and all over the world. Clinicians' observations of the unique needs of female offenders in Hong Kong concurred with overseas research findings. Under The Women Offender Empowerment Programme, pilot studies on treatment groups with different approaches and therapeutic means were conducted to test female offenders' responsivity. With reference to overseas programmes in women's prisons, a more systematic and evidence-based gender-specific assessment and treatment package was devised for female offenders. The risk-need-responsivity principles were adopted in the assessment of female offenders in the Hong Kong Correctional Services (HKCS). HKCS started up an innovative psychological service, namely Psychological Gymnasium, in 2011 to enhance the specialised services for female offenders. A Working Group on the Gender-Specific Risks and Needs Programme for Women Offenders was set up in 2010. It aims to develop evidence-based treatment programmes for female offenders.