This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book focuses on two extra-regional powers that have shaped Sub-Saharan Africa economically and politically for decades: Great Britain and the US. It addresses domestic developments related to the scramble for Sub-Saharan energy resources. The book deals with Ethiopia's electrification scheme. Because of the recent addition of three medium-sized hydropower plants Ethiopia's installed capacity in 2010 became already treble that of 2005. The apex of dam building will be reached with the completion in 2017 of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. The book analyses Grand Inga Project in the context of Democratic Republic of the Congo's own domestic energy situation and from the perspective of regional integration. It also demonstrates the significant insight about economic and political processes can be gained by addressing their material or more precisely their geographical context, conclusion also places research on Sub-Saharan energy resources into a larger epistemological context.