This chapter describes about the DrawBots project. The DrawBots project is an attempt to apply these computational methods to the problem of artistic autonomy. The chapter presents the biologically inspired form of AI that underpins the DrawBots project. The idea was to program-in intelligence, rather than making use of learning and adaptation as happens in nature. The whole paradigm is neatly illustrated by the famous early AI robot, Shakey, developed at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). By the mid 1980s the Good Old Fashioned AI (GOFAI) approach was faltering in many areas of AI, not just robotics. Brooks work triggered the formation of the so-called New AI movement which we might refer to as NEW Fangled AI (NEWFAI) still strong today. The combative figure of Brooks, along with his team at MIT, became central to a growing band of dissidents who launched a salvo of attacks on the AI mainstream.