This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book discusses this visual metaphor in C. Wright Mills in terms of the optical processes of refraction and parallax. Visualities are pictures of social reality that social scientists fabricate using theoretical and methodological tools imaginatively. The book offers an illustration of this as he deploys Mills to not only challenge existing and dominant ways of thinking about prison life, but also to delineate critical research values for future prison ethnographies. It constructs visuality about the potential impact that the 'ecocide' by government and business, through their collective failure to systematically address the causes and consequences of global warming, has on children. The book rediscovers Mills and these pivots, and to pursue an adaptation of his work for criminological enquiry. Although Mills' work has been important and profoundly influential within sociology, his presence has not been felt to any substantial degree within criminology.