China's economic development has been one of the large global development success stories of the last generation: China's gross national income (GNI) has grown tenfold over the last 25 years. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report on progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) notes that targets for the provision of basic sanitation is out of reach for the 2015 deadline, particularly in Sub-Sahara Africa. UNDP continues by clearly stating: "The world has missed the 2010 target to slow the decline in biodiversity". In China-Africa relations, new institutions such as the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) were created and economic cooperation sky-rocketed in the last decade. Three major areas for FOCAC in "greening" the Sino-African relationship seem to be particularly important for future endeavours: Financial assistance, learning and knowledge development, and cooperation across borders within Africa. Interest in sustainability is driven by the Chinese government's own interests of managing the reputation of Chinese actors in African states.