Many Young Adult novels focus on a disruption in the life of the protagonist and the subsequent personal growth that the character experiences. These disruptions often propel the main character forth on a journey, literal, metaphorical, or both, that leads to self-discovery, a higher level of emotional maturity, and, in general, a greater awareness of her identity. These disruptions serve to catalyse the emergence of a young adult from adolescence. The setting of political turmoil serves various purposes. It shines a light on twentieth-century history in these countries that, because of the repressive nature of those governments, has not been widely publicised. It also gives a voice to the millions of people who have been silenced under political tyranny. The backdrop of political unrest functions to intensify the conflict in the life of the adolescent protagonist. In addition, the national tension parallels and serves as a metaphor for the inner struggle that the main character feels while growing up.