In George Orwell's 1984, the Anglosphere appeared as Oceania, an entity created by the absorption' of the British Empire by the US. Ontological security that fundamental human need to have a predictable sense of self-other relations mostly arises from practices and habits. The Anglosphere is primarily a macro-cultural entity a civilizational, international, transnational, post-colonial, and post-imperial community united by the English language. Bernard Porter's review of James Belich's recent Replenishing the Earth gives us a good sense of this lineage. According to Philippe van Parijs, the inequalities created by Englishization can be resolved like any other collective problem in the European Union (EU). In this view, Englishization was once a function of direct colonial rule in places like Ireland, India or the Philippines and now continues through the activities of the British Council and other forms of cultural diplomacy. A century later, the English-speaking societies cooperate on the basis of liberal-multicultural and postcolonial identities and practices.