The author judge the everyday workings of the major political framework of people times, neoliberalism. Contemporary neoliberalism takes many forms, but is united around the demand for a reduced role for government in all sectors of political and economic life, including social welfare. The neoliberal agenda is dominant in the age of globalization; it is said to both provide improved economic outcomes as well as enhanced global protections for human rights. Far from it: a human rights discourse which foregrounds notions of empowerment, participation and accountability can be a useful tool for political mobilization against hegemonic neoliberalism. Given the power of neoliberal organizations such as the World Health Organization or the World Trade Organization within international treaties. The rights of non-citizens raise a number of political and humanitarian issues associated with the vulnerability of those who lack governmental recognition. Such people include asylum seekers, undocumented workers, and many short-term migrants, all of whom require what they would call "medical humanitarianism".