This chapter aims to give readers greater knowledge and understanding of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and acquaint them with recent reports on the subject. Whatever the type of EMF, certain people complain of 'hypersensitivity' symptoms, such as physical or muscular asthenia, even muscular pain; fatigue, memory loss or apathy contrasting with an abnormal irritability; sleeping problems, insomnia, headaches, feeling drunk, dizziness. Electromagnetic waves transport energy. The energy increases with the frequency, to the point of becoming dangerous. Consequently, very high-frequency waves, notably high-dose X rays, can burn cells. The term 'non-ionizing radiation' (NIR) designates all electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that, contrary to ionizing radiation, does not have enough energy to modify components of matter and living beings. In Europe, measurements for exposure to radio waves should be taken by independent control organizations, accredited by an accreditation body recognized by the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA). EA is the European network of nationally recognized accreditation bodies located in the European geographical area.