This chapter explores the author's personal journey which itself has been composed of a series of life-changing moments and opportunities taken. Some moments in life are life-changing, but very often one cannot recognize them as such until years later. But once in a while, they are life-changing the moment they happen. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set themselves as an international community back in 2000 to halve the number of people living in poverty by 2015 is almost certainly going to be missed at the current pace of change. Fortunately, three forces, namely Enterprise, technology, people, have come together precisely at this moment in time that have the potential to transform this pace of change, and with it, the lives of billions. A central focus has been Business Fights Poverty, a platform that connects over 10,000 professionals passionate about fighting poverty through business. Business Fights Poverty and its members, have the potential to make a huge contribution to this effort.