Rommel Juan, co-Founder and current President of Binalot Fiesta Foods in the Philippines, is oblivious of entrepreneurship typologies. A World Bank (WB) report in 2010 disclosed that compared to neighbouring countries, the country's gross domestic product (GDP) hardly grew in 19 years. Despite economic expansion in 2007, the number of people living below the poverty line did not decrease. Focusing on traditional recipes from popular Filipino cuisine, they took orders and then delivered to office workers with one distinct difference; they used banana leaves to wrap the food. This practice evokes fun-filled childhood memories as most Filipino families who go on picnics take along banana-wrapped lunches. The unique selling proposition of Binalot is the use of green packaging. Binalot started out with a green concept but it was a fortuitous event that steered the business into pursuing societal concerns. The three principles that Rommel built his business on are: promoting Filipino values, promoting Filipino cuisine and protecting the environment.