This chapter describes the history of criminological ideas are complex. In this context it is suffice to say that Sutherland tried to sweep away the presumption that crime was somehow the preserve of the economically less well-off and show that criminality was a feature of the highest echelons of the social order. This is perhaps not paradigm-breaking in and of itself, but in arguing that criminological thinking should not be confined to narrow parameters defined by criminal law, that it should explain all forms of law violation and should take into account the effects of harmful behaviour he certainly stretched theoretical boundaries. Celebrities including Neil Young, Oliver Stone, Leonardo DiCaprio and Daryl Hannah make it so. It is a relatively high value symbolic target in the politics of green criminology in Canada and internationally. Most humans alive today participate in some way or another in the perpetuation of the hydrocarbon-based energy economy and therefore, when it comes to hydrocarbon crime.