Government ministers, who were originally advised that 13,000 East Europeans would come to the United Kingdom (UK) per year, were caught by surprise at the vast numbers that travelled to Britain after the European Union (EU) expanded in May 2004. The International Passenger Survey (IPS) is also problematic as it is a voluntary sample survey of passengers at selected air, sea and Channel Tunnel ports, providing estimates of both emigrations from the UK as well as immigration to the UK. For migrants from Bulgaria and Rumania, following accession on 1 January 2007, there is a separate registration scheme. Bulgarian and Romanian workers can enter the UK only as self-employed workers or under the existing seasonal scheme. In relation to A8 nationals there is also the Worker Registration Scheme (WRS). A8 nationals wishing to work in the UK are required to register under the scheme. In relation to A8 nationals, there is conflicting evidence about their impact on local labour markets.