This chapter focuses on the multiple levels at which the Fair trade system supports goals of rural income generation, empowerment, poverty reduction, social development and democratic decision-making, via the creation of a fair system of international trade. The forces of globalization have driven increases in world trade, and transfers of technology and movement of information have created incredible opportunities for certain sectors of society in both developed and developing countries. This incoherence in national policies, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Declaration in Hong Kong committed to take actions to encourage Aid for Trade initiatives. The Fair trade labeling system uses standard setting, supply-chain certification, product labeling and the raising of consumer awareness to deliver development benefits at the producer level. The Fair Trade Alliance in Kerala (FTAK) in India is a Fair-trade certified producer of cashew nuts and a part owner of Liberation Nut; one of their farmer members has a seat on Liberations board of directors.