In the same vein, historical research should endeavor to deconstruct previous literature on nationalism, by employing an intersectionality perspective on gender. The chapter discusses the seven Abkhazian women from Turkey who went to Abkhazia to participate in the Georgian civil war is illuminating if one wish to deconstruct previous notions of nationalism and gender, and employ an intersectionality perspective. It would seem, then, that in the case of the Warsaw Uprising, intersectionality analysis would be unnecessarythe women were treated by the military as a unified, inferior category. While intersectionality theory has been dominant in gender studies for over two decades, Yeon Choo Hae and Myra Marx Ferree, Practicing Intersectionality in Sociological Research. Interestingly, research into men in the military has employed the intersectionality approach more than research into women soldiers. Womens bodies and sexualities, on the other hand, had to be controlled in order to signify national identity and mens honor, and female fraternizers were stigmatized and punished.