The larger story is the history of the relationship between faith and science. This book explicates the central contributions of Robert John Russell by identifying five key concepts, which it affectionately call Bobisms'. These key concepts comprises the non-interventionist objective divine action' (NIODA) in nature's world; the creative mutual interaction' (CMI) between science and theology. CMI sets a goal to be achieved when scientists and theologians engage one another in dialogue. The key concepts also comprises that is, if it's true, then it must be possible'; and first instantiation of a new law of nature (FINLON), according to which the Easter resurrection of Jesus is the FINLON and atoms may be small, but they're everywhere' (ASBE). ASBE justifies Russell's giving special attention to quantum activity at the atomic level of physical reality; and it justifies a search for reconciliation of bottom-up causation with divine action.