A gay man employed at the Church in Wales wins £37,000 after being bullied out of his job in Coleg Trefeca in Brecon. His manager called him a ‘stupid poof’ and gave him pink fairy toilet paper as a present. Inmates at a Leeds prison received £120,000 from the Prison Service after suffering beatings and racial discrimination by prison officers. They had been racially harassed and victimised. Conwy Council in Wales was ordered to pay £10,000 to a family because it failed to deal with complaints against neighbours who were harassing them. The family had bricks thrown through the windows, were racially abused and their cars damaged. The family lived in housing association property and the husband was disabled. A gay airport guard received £62,500 compensation after he was called ‘batty boy’ and sexually harassed by a female colleague. Muslim City of London workers won a multi-million pound out-of-court settlement for being sexually harassed, racially and religiously discriminated against and being subjected to a sexual environment in which clients would be taken to lap-dancing clubs, Jewish clients taken off their books among other allegations. A culture of bullying and harassment in the kitchen of Harry’s Bar in Mayfair led a waitress to win her sexual harassment and unlawful dismissal claim worth £124,000. There were a series of incidences, including being pushed against a wall and kissed on the neck by the chef. There has been much outcry over a lesbian soldier being awarded £187,000 for sexual harassment by a male sergeant. There was a sustained campaign of victimisation after rejecting his advances.