Theoretical model of Situation Awareness (SA) in HRI identifies several factors that can impact SA in robot tasking and control at different stages of information processing, and thus, serves as a useful introduction to the potential issues in SA related to unmanned system operation. In addition, whereas some factors impact SA overall, other elements within a factor category affect different levels of SA at various stages of information processing. The cognitive task analyses were targeted at understanding SA requirements in robot control across numerous platforms, including unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and unmanned underwater (UUVs) and sea surface vehicles (USVs). The goal-directed task analysis (GDTA) provides a hierarchical representation of the major goals and subgoals, related decisions, and key mission-relevant information requirements at all three levels of SA. Task or mission related factors impacting SA are associated with the parameters under which operators must complete their tasks.