This chapter considers in relative detail the situation concerning the Kanchi math and highlights the extent to which the Internet can play a role in allowing devotees abroad and a religious organisation in India to connect with one another. It provides important context to that which follows by briefly detailing the activities of the Hindu philosopher and Saint Adi Shankara and providing details as to the standing of the current Kanchi Shankaracharya, Jayendra Saraswathi. The tradition of Adi Shankara himself who, it will be remembered, made three tours of the subcontinent in his short life in order to achieve his largely successful aim of linking the whole of India to the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta. The chapter highlights the extent to which the Internet play a role in allowing devotees abroad and a religious organisation in India to connect with one another. It demonstrates the central themes of globalisation, and explains the intersection of empirical observation and theory.