Coming to the end of this book, we hope that we contributed as much as we were able to the ongoing indigenous studies research. As researchers we do have a moral and ethical obligation as to how we investigate and represent indigenous people. Researchers, mostly non-indigenous, are very often accused by the Natives of'making their careers on their account and giving nothing in return'.Therefore we do have the ethical obligation to contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of the communities that we are researching in the most genuine and trustworthy way with the knowledge that we generate. The topic of economic development therefore was carefully chosen as one of the most important for the future of these communities, as economic and financial stability are the platforms of socio-cultural flourishing of a society. This is a topic that the indigenous communities themselves point to as a priority. In this concluding part, without repeating them, we would like to reiterate some important themes emerging from the researchers'contributions to this collection.