We are now coming to the end of this book. But as you will see, this is not the end of Integral Green Zimbabwe. In fact, it is only the beginning. Therefore, in this final chapter, we are not merely summarising the content of a book. As we review the overall journey, we reveal the underlying processes that led to the remarkable achievements featured here. Such a deeper understanding of our shared journey leads us to articulate an alternating transformative rhythm that has been instrumental in bringing about the integral developments portrayed. The first part of this complementary rhythm is what we call the 4C Process, supporting the integral researcher and developer, as an individual, in an interconnected trajectory from Call to Context to Co-Creation to the final Contribution. The 4Cs enable him or her to ‘4C’ a particular integral development. The second part of the alternating rhythm leverages the particular development by serving to institutionalise it, be it in terms of a Chinyika, a Muda or a Pundutso. CARE is the acronoym for this second part of the dual rhythm towards full-fledged integral development, and consists of Catalysation, Activation (of Community), Research-to-Innovation and transformative Education. Together, the four CARE functions enable us to fully ‘CARE-4-Society’. ‘CARE-ING-4-ZIMBABWE’ is indeed the keynote of this final chapter, and it also is the mission of the Pundutso Center for Integral Development. As a new entity, Pundutso is building on what has come individually – all of the researchers and developers – and institutionally – Chinyika, BTD, Da Vinci Institute, Trans4m – before. The founding members of this newly established Center have transcended their original orientation (say, a primary focus on research or on Education, on Catalysation or on Activation), as portrayed in the book, to embrace – together – all of the four CARE functions. Thereby, Pundutso aspires to put, institutionally, the ongoing journey towards an Integral Green Zimbabwe on a long-term, sustainable footing.