Nemo Judex in causa sua, is the sage maxim of natural justice culled by the common law from the Roman law tradition. Eyn Hanachtom Meid al Isato is the earthier and more psychologically perceptive Talmudic equivalent the baker does not testify to the quality of his own dough. Taken together they make me, one of the three principal protagonists of the original Integration through Law Project, the least appropriate person to write an Epilogue to this extraordinary collection. As the Introduction makes clear, and as is evident in practically each of the studies, analytical frameworks, methodological parameters and the normative perspectives have all evolved dramatically. One of the important contributions of the Project, perhaps even the most important, was that it helps establish the identity of Law Department of the European University Institute. The department, headed first by Geoffrey Hand and then Mauro, formally defined its academic identity as interested in scholarship which was European, comparative and contextual.