This chapter concentrates on just one Cultural Theory (CT) solidarity, the egalitarian enclave, and offers an approach to political systems in closed, dissident minorities. A political system is founded on cultural values, and an approach from the standpoint of CT is therefore appropriate. Most approaches on the subject tend to be moralistic, philosophical, psychological, politically biased, or all of these and, especially, they tend to focus on the individual political person. Political scientists themselves pay little attention to dissenting groups that have withdrawn into a secure niche where they can put their principles into practice without interfering with others. In fact, the metaphor of institution building is not quite right: it is less a question of building, as with bricks and mortar, than of burrowing into a mountain of noise. The inner council can probably afford to be openly hierarchical, if the several subordinate enclaves at the outposts can be played off against each other.