This chapter develops two related theories there are spatio-temporal and spatio-sensual assemblages. These theories hold in relief the ways that young men's selves are assembled in place through histories of writing themselves into landscapes and feeling intimate connections to place. Assemblage is an English translation for the French word agencement, which also means layout or arrangement. The 'territorialized assemblages of enunciation' or 'transversal collective identities' to which this quote refers are subjective mixtures: composites of space, time, feeling, relationality that fold in to make up subjects. Massey's conceptualisations of place as multifaceted, lived connections of time, biography and sensory surroundings, the notions of spatio, temporal and, sensual assemblages allow us to consider the embodied nature of place-based gendered identities. Spatio-temporal assemblages, articulates the ways diverse spaces: cyberspace; outback space; shopping malls; scrub-land and so on, operate within distinct temporal zones.