This chapter presents some reflections on the mega-event as a process of territorialization, seen as the production of territory. It focuses on the case study the Turin Olympic Winter Games through the examination of some specific issues: the new geography between the city and the mountains, the territorialization process and the legacy for the city, the change of the city image and the legacy following the global economic crisis. The territorialization-de-territorialization-re-territorialization (T-D-R) cycle is specifically produced by the mega-event and can thus be interpreted as the production of a project territory modelled on the mega-event's needs. Referring to the T-D-R cycle and evaluating the more recent processes the de-territorialization effects have been short-lived and the ordinary territorialization dynamics have quickly reassumed a prevalent role. Thus Olympic territorialization would play the role of a media showcase that imposes itself on the standard spatial dynamics in a rapid and sometimes forceful way.