Planning responsibility for legacy, until the bid was won, initially lay with the London Development Agency (LDA). The LDA commissioned a Legacy Masterplan Framework (LMF) which followed fairly closely the same themes that characterised the earlier pre-bid legacy plans largely a housing led environment, interspersed with the odd world class sports stadium, and parkland. The Olympic Park Regeneration Steering Group was established in May 2007 as a strategic governance body for the London legacy. A new body, the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC), was established to take over responsibility for the management of the Park legacy from the LDA. The OPLC was given clear responsibility to draw up a legacy development plan, investment programme and budget for the Olympic site, post-Games. The OPLC has been replaced by the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC), now wholly accountable to, and, in fact, notionally chaired by, the Mayor of London.