This chapter considers a thought-provoking project through several lenses, through several intersections. Collaboration across Europe benefits from some key ingredients, which need to be at the root of our working processes. Collaboration is based on mutual learning: the cultural organisation learns what it takes to work with young people with other cultural backgrounds, often with disadvantaged profiles and little access to professional media opportunities. Each of these organisations is locally rooted but is also a hub, whose connections, exchange and influence reach out across their country, region and internationally. European Cultural Foundation (ECF) does not support culture simply because it happens in Europe, but instead for what it contributes to Europe and how culture can bring us closer together as Europeans. 'Remapping Europe' makes a compelling case study; because it reflects all of the intersections mentioned earlier and provides a rich 'space in between' and some food for thought. 'Remapping Europe-a Remix' is both a collaborative action and a network.