At the level of the dynamic of the Turkish central value system, one can witness a process of pluralization of the image of modernity, of transformation of the notion and practice of secularism, and above all the making of a postsecular society. The outcome of postsecular social practices would be not only multiple modernity's, but alternative forms of modernity or local modernities. Modernities reflectivity means the ability to discuss rationally validity claims, taken as the sole source of legitimacy of social and political order, a skill that modernity must also apply to the claims of reason itself to satisfy completely needs of meaning and functional needs of modern societies. It is very difficult to predict the outcome of the ongoing processes, one can easily imagine that they will continue to question the profile of the Kemalist Turkey, and they will shape an alternative form of modernity, a form of local modernity, to use Nilfer Gle's expression.