The new academic discipline of anthropology thus gained greater credibility-one reason why stationary field research in one place, in one society has become the empirical ideal in anthropology. According to the Federal Office of Statistics, in 2001 there were 4,113 Sudanese registered in Germany, out of 303,018 immigrants from Africa. The multi-sitedness of a research project can refer to various media sites, such as newspapers, archives, websites or the radio. Multi-sited research can thus lead to a subconscious attitude of omnipotence and a wish to 'get to grips' with the whole world. The video recordings of these weddings would eventually become visual icons of connection in German or Sudanese living rooms. The challenge of multi-sited ethnography to approach the foreign culture through successive short visits, to abandon the tried and trusted habitus of gradually going native, and to learn something new, is therefore linked to specific uncertainties.