Culture could challenge the contents of the technical game' as the latter is based on the master narrative of progress and emancipation. The ideal of ecological sustainability within this narrative is seen to be lived by the indigenous partner in an exemplary way; culture as grounded in local knowledge' is the basic rule within this game. Bio-diversity is a by-product' of a certain way of living, or in western economic terms, a positive externality', that is, a positive, external effect on an enterprise; however, it is usually ignored by the market. While there is a certain market for existential values' like bio-diversity and preservation of natural environments, the members of the so-called traditional populations' are by no means paid to act as guardians of nature parks'. Guaran prospers almost exclusively in Amazonia and is a bushy climbing plant that twines itself around the trunks of trees, or around racks made of wooden beams in the indigenous plantations.