Shakespeare in production at Luther Luckett Correctional Complex reveals an uncanny resemblance to the performance modes and discourses of postcolonialist drama. For the corporate movers, however, a Shakespearean hero like Coriolanus acts "as if he were author of himself". The Adelmans' Shakespeare in Chargeprogram, however, is not the only game of its kind in town. Several other books and seminars have grown up around the use of Shakespeare by business schools and management training programs. For the last two years, the United States Air Force has contracted with Movers and Shakespeares, a company run by Kenneth L. Adelman, a Republican political consultant who is probably best known as having been President Ronald Reagan's chief adviser on arms control. Movers and Shakespeares is a commercial appropriation, in other words, that dehistoricizes the Shakespeare "product", removing it from the historical conditions that made possible its artistic conception and commercial thriving.