This chapter focuses on how author applies a four-aspect model to potentially harmful new social movements or relationships variously labelled closed social systems, cults or new religious movements. The four-aspect model are: Transcendent Attraction, Exclusive Authority, Circular Tension and Exit Perils. The chapter argues that cult activity, in its proper meaning, has been necessary for human social evolution and also looks through aesthetics at religious movements, at how they are framed and how well the movement expresses and develops its foundation story. Transcendent attraction is a common doorway into any new religion or self-improvement venture that offers a deeper knowing of self, being, purpose or relationship. Transcendence can be viewed cynically as bait to bring one closer to the source of the experience, namely an exclusive authority figure around which group activities revolve. The new member goes into a psychological orbit resulting in a circular tension conditioned by what is better or worse, good or evil and pure or contaminated.